Useful Tools for Web Developers

Free software tools I use and found highly useful for Web Developers:

1. NotePad++ – An advanced yet simple editor for viewing and editing codes.

2. FileZilla – The best tool for doing FTP.

3. Firefox – It is a must have development tool. If your work appears correct in Firefox, then you can be sure your work is standards compliant. Firefox serves as a platform for numerous other web development tools available as Firefox extensions.

4. GIMP – Free software for image editing.

5. FireBug – A Firefox extension which helps you understand the code and fix the bug. Must have Firefox extension.

Do you feel any other software should be a must-have one? Please let me know in the comments.


6 responses to “Useful Tools for Web Developers”

  1. I’d suggest Geany as a substitute for Notepad++ and since you’ve mentioned Firefox, FireFTP extension can be a replacement for Filezilla ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi Sriram Murali, I will try Geany. Thanks for the tip. I think ultimately, we can do everything inside Firefox ๐Ÿ™‚ Sometimes, I feel good to use a separate software.

  2. It seems I use all these… except for FileZilla, I use FIreFTP

  3. Hey cool blog,

    This is a good collection of tools. I use FileZilla, FF and Firebug. Some of the best tools are open source hands down! but some products (paid) are also good. Ex: Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Similarly, I have written a list of good FF add-ons to have. Check it out! ( Would love to see your comments!

  4. also this a cool E-Mail Icon Generator @ is handy if you are to put spam free email icons… also works for custom domains as well…

  5. other than NOtePad ++ I use everything else ๐Ÿ™‚