10 ideas for creating new blog posts

Do you run out of ideas to post to your blog regularly? Here are some tips that may help:

1. Blog your passion. Identify what your passion is and blog about it. Track news, network with people in your niche. You will never run out of ideas about your passion.

2. Draft your ideas. Actaully, we do have lots of ideas to blog. Note them somewhere and create draft posts for them. Even filling the title of the posts with your idea is a good start. It will act as a reminder and you will always have lot of ideas waiting to be converted into posts.

3. Find what people search for. review your visitor stats and find what search keywords people are using to find your blog. More often, they may land in the wrong page or a general page. Create specific posts on those topics with more info.

4. FAQ posts. Do you reply to the same questions in email, forums? Create a Frequently asked questions post out of it. It is easy to send / post this link hereafter. This saves your time and brings you new visitors.

5. Blog your comments. You may be repeatedly posting the same comment in many blogs. For example,

Hot current-affairs topics like Eelam, Elections etc.,

Evergreen topics like Hindi Vs Tamil, WordPress Vs Blogger etc.,

Summarize these comments and make a blog post out of it.

6. Link Posts. Do you visit some sites often? Do you see a pattern / theme in such sites? You can create posts with just these links. Many people want to find just links to relevant websites on a particular theme.

7. List posts. I often search for things like top movies, top books, top software etc., Do you have some favourite things which you often recommend to friends? You can list them in your posts.

8. Review Posts. People want to know opinion on anything new like gadgets, movies, albums etc., You can review anything that you may use. If you post consistently and regularly, you are bound to be an expert in your niche.

9. Troubleshooting posts. Do you troubleshoot your computer, software etc., often? You may think it is just trivia or regular things. But people do google a lot for troubleshooting. Blog your solutions.

10. Blog your experience. Have you done something which many others are finding difficult? For example, you may be going abroad for higher studies or getting a freelance job online. This definitely deserves to be blogged. People often look for guidance and inspiration. Such posts can get you great friends, referrals and loyal readers.